Hypnobirthing Group Course January
Full antenatal education, birth preparation Group Course Wednesday Evenings
Service Description
This course is a full antenatal course, options are as follows -In person- Swindon, Marlborough, Avebury -Online - Mondays, Wednesdays - Evenings -Weekends In person course for you and your partner This is a full antenatal course filled with birth education and resources It is very interactive and fun and you will have the opportunity to meet other expecting parents. I will help you to.... Learn about the reason why you may feel fearful of birth and how to approach this. The science behind your pregnant body and your baby’s too. Understand the physiology of birth or abdominal birth. Learn how to be able to relax in both pregnancy and your birth Learn about the different options of where to birth Learn how to create the best environment for a calm birth Learn how to be able to make informed decisions and navigate around unexpected turns. Know what to include in your birth preferences Know how to allow for optimal positioning for a shorter birth Understand the role and importance of the birth partner Know how to maximise bonding when baby arrives Learn about the fourth trimester and the transition from womb to world Classes are fun, informative and I promise you will feel excited about birth The course: We will be using The Calm Birth Method which focuses on providing you with choices- it is not about one type of birth. Included- Information & Resources on all things pregnancy & Birth Full antenatal education Gift Package The Calm Birth School Method Book Downloadable MPs and Affirmations Access to exclusive Calm Birth School community - support and guidance & birth stories Me at the end of a phone Free video call if your circumstances change (e.g induction/caesarean) Follow up after birth (in person depending on location)

Contact Details
Marlborough, UK